Mail, Fax or complete the form online.
If mailing or faxing the PDF forms please use the following information.
- Address:MVC P.O. Box 5738 Twin Falls, ID 83303
- Phone:+1 208 736 8105
- Cell:+1 208 410 7106
- FAX:+1 208 216 6778
Application Forms
Please print and complete appropriate forms. Completed forms can be mailed, faxed or submitted using our online application form.
1: Magic Valley Cares Application (this is a required document for every application)
2: HIPAA Request for Release of Medical Information (only needed for medical related applications)
Online Application:
Please download the online application pdf forms here. You will need to sign, date and then upload the required forms to this application using the attachment button below. If the forms are incorrect or not sent your application may be denied.